The classic Anju Modi looks were created using Tencel fabrics made from fibres like wood chips and wood pulp. The designer is renowned for both her promotion of traditional Indian crafts and for her regal and strong feminine aesthetic.
Anju Modi designed rich, timeless traditional clothing this season using Tencel’s eco-friendly cellulose fibre textiles. Deep jewel tones, classic black, and neutral tones were all mixed together in the collection’s colour scheme. Velvet blouses, substantial shawls, and subtly iridescent sarees were combined with gold accents and sparkling details.
Actress Sanjana Sanghi walked the runway as Modi’s show-stopper as the show came to an end. She was wearing a cropped, black velvet jacket with gold detailing and a deep red bralet. A purple shawl and loose balloon pants gave this striking ensemble a bohemian feel.
Several eco-friendly fashion initiatives, digital events, and design contests are part of the joint fashion week’s lineup for this season