Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha walked as the star of Rocky Star’s runway show in Delhi, showcasing the brand’s newest collection. The spring/summer 2023 collection from the premium womenswear brand was beautiful and classic with fusion elements.
According to a press statement from the company, the new Rocky Star festive collection blended influences from traditional bridal styles to Baroque and Gothic designs. Sinha walked down the runway alongside the designer in a spectacular red and gold gown with traditional hair and makeup for a look appropriate for weddings and partygoers alike.
The firm stated in a press release that their “new Rocky Star festive collection is inspired and crafted for the contemporary generation with an Indian blend.” It is made by combining the best amounts of colors, tints, forms, and vision to redefine the beauty of the wearer. Gorgeous deep-neck blouses with exquisite beading that go with an airy organza saree are featured, along with our trademark patchwork handcrafted embroidery and botanical print.